
High Pressure Coolant System - How Will it Help My Machine Tool?
Added:2017-08-25     Views:    

High Pressure Coolant System

– How Will it Help My Machine Tool?

A high pressure coolant system substantially increases efficiency and performance of any cutting, drilling or milling tool. Conventional cooling systems typically rely on “flood” cooling, which simply sprays coolant fluid or oil at the work area. Much of that fluid never reaches cutting edge of tool or stock, or turns to steam and is simply wasted. Coolant that does reach critical areas is often insufficient. This generates excess heat, which requires slower drilling speeds or frequent stopping and restarting of drill or other tool.

High pressure coolant systems, originally developed in Switzerland, deliver pressurized coolant fluid through a channel inside tool and directly to the cutting edge. The coolant may be pressurized by pumps in excess of 1000 p.s.i. This provides a greater amount of coolant where it’s really needed with less that is wasted runoff. The improvement in lubrication keeps tool cooler and flushes chips out more efficiently, making the cut more accurate and extending the life of cutting or drilling tool.

Benefits of High Pressure Coolant System

A high pressure coolant system can increase the system productivity by as much as 70 percent. These are some of benefits:

1. Faster speed:

A tool that's adequately cooled allows faster spindle or drill speed without sacrificing tolerance. Stock can be fed into the tool at a higher rate, increasing production.

2. Less Tool Wear:

Tools that are adequately cooled sustain sharpness longer and are less susceptible to metal fatigue. Tools have extended life and fewer tool changes are required. A tool life improvement of 40 percent is not unusual with the use of high pressure coolant system. When cutting area is cooled efficiently, friction is reduced. This puts less stress on the spindle motors and increases the service life of the motors.

3. Deeper Drilling With Superior Finish:

High pressure coolant injected through the tool itself flushes the bore or work area out far more effectively than a flood coolant system. This permits faster, deeper drilling operations with smoother finishes.

4. Chip Size Reduction:

A byproduct of slow spindle speeds is troublesome large chip sizes. Continuous re-cutting of chips adds substantially to the wear and tear of machine tools. The fast spindle speeds made possible by a high pressure coolant system generates smaller chips that are efficiently flushed clear of the cutting edge, eliminating tool damage that results from re-cutting large chips.

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